July 10, 2014

Antithekyra Revisited

In 1900 a shipwreck from around 100 BCE was found just off the Greek island of Antithekyra. In the wreck was a bronze-work mechanical device whose complexity wasn't matched until the European Rennaissance.  Its purpose was unknown for decades, but it was eventually found to be an astronomical calculator for predicting celestial events such as eclipses. 

Over the last century the Antithekyra wreck site has been sporatically explored because it's depth makes diving dangerous.  A few months back, several news outlets reported that a new deep-dive exo suit, originally designed for work in the New York sewage system, will be used to thoroughly explore the shipwreck.

This week I learned that the planned expedition will run for one month starting on September 15. I hope there's some way to follow this in real time, but we'll see.

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